• Our People

    Yvonne Booth

    Yvonne Booth

    Clinical Negligence Costs Lawyer

    T: 01204 678665

    Yvonne is a qualified Costs Lawyer who joined Keoghs in 2010 and specialises in costs in clinical negligence claims. She is also responsible for the continuing development of the costs unit′s competency, skills and knowledge in relation to clinical negligence costs and, furthermore, acts as a point of contact for clients. Yvonne previously developed and managed Keoghs Costs Budget team and therefore has extensive experience of dealing with all aspects of costs management including preparing precedent H, advising on opposing budgets and attending costs management hearings.

    She joined from a national defendant clinical negligence law firm where she worked for 10 years as a Senior Costs Executive advising the National Health Service Litigation Authority, NHS Trusts and medical defence organisations. Yvonne also has experience of acting on behalf of claimants having commenced her career in legal costs at a costs consultancy firm before taking a post as costs manager at a personal injury practice. She has dealt with a wide range of matters including clinical negligence, employer′s liability, housing disrepair, family, motor, public liability and immigration proceedings.

    Authored Insights

    medical report

    Hourly rates and time spent “of great assistance” in providing clarity on medical agency fees

    Healthcare-enabled fraud

    Expert and agency fee notes must be provided