• Our People

    Helen White

    Helen White


    T: 0247 665 8225

    Having qualified as a solicitor in 2001, Helen joined Keoghs in 2002. She moved into the Complex Injury Team in 2006 and became a Partner in 2011. She has 20 years’ experience of motor insurance litigation. Helen continues to specialise in life changing motor injury claims involving both adults, children and protected parties. She deals with traumatically brain injured Claimants including those who are walking wounded and those who present with significant and life changing physical, cognitive and/or behavioural issues. She also deals with those who are now in a PVS or MCS state and those who have sustained a spinal cord injury, an amputation or significant polytrauma. Helen has experience in dealing with the management of brain injury and prosthetic rehabilitation, statutory funding, accommodation needs and settlements reached by way of a periodical payment order. Helen has a particular interest and experience in amputation claims and is a member of Keoghs Amputee Special Interest Group. At all points, Helen aims to build constructive relationships with her opponent to ensure that cases progress as collaboratively and as swiftly as possible.  

    Authored Insights


    NHS Osseointegration: A step forward for amputees?

    Is This Smart Knee A Game Changer

    The Power Knee: A Game Changer or Expensive Add-on?