• Our People

    Andrew Peters

    Andrew Peters


    T: 1204477888

    Andrew is a partner in our complex injury team. He qualified as a solicitor in 1999 and has over 20 years personal injury litigation experience, handling claims of maximum severity from early in his career. He has dealt with road traffic, employers’ and public liability matters involving the most serious injuries including amputations, brain and spinal cord injuries along with chronic pain and fatal injury cases. Andrew takes a proactive approach to litigation and recognises the benefit of the early rehabilitation to achieve the best possible outcome for an injured claimant which, in turn, minimises his insurer client’s exposure in terms of damages and costs. Andrew is happy to provide training to his clients on the key issues relating to large loss and catastrophic injury claims.

    Authored Insights

    Utmost severity traumatic brain injury cases: Is the claimant likely to emerge from a permanent vegetative state (PVS)?

    Functional neurological disorder: is it real?

    Divisibility of brain injuries

    Functional Neurological Disorder - Handling Guide