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Court of Appeal gives clarification on CPR Part 36 and Part 44 interactions

Vicarious liability and abuse: local authority liable for family foster placement

Supreme Court

GHI v TRC: Court’s application of vicarious liability post-BXB

Supreme Court

Supreme Court allows appeal in abuse claim: BXB and further restrictions to vicarious liability

Competition and Markets Authority: Final Report Published

IICSA and the future of limitation in abuse claims

TVZ & Others v Manchester City Football Club [2022] EWHC 7 (QB)

TVZ & Others v Manchester City Football Club [2022] EWHC 7 (QB)

Abuse and the illegality defence: Supreme Court guidance

Abuse and the illegality defence: Supreme Court guidance

Another knock-down for vicarious liability?

Another knock-down for vicarious liability?

Making abusers pay: personal liability in abuse claims

Making abusers pay: personal liability in abuse claims

Limitation in abuse claims: further guidance

Limitation in abuse claims: further guidance

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