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Abuse Aware - Spring 2024


The Brainwaves Podcast - Episode 3: GCS & Mayo Classification

Introducing our Care and Abuse team

Milner v Barchester Healthcare Homes Limited


£150,000 Credit Hire Claim Found to be Fundamentally Dishonest

Fraud - Healthcare

The continued evolution of medical negligence claims in Northern Ireland


The Brainwaves Podcast - Episode 2: Initial Steps on a TBI Claim


Standard Tier Consultation (Martyn’s Law)

UK floods hit thousands, but what about their insurers?

Global warming, flooding, and erosion – why should Property Insurers care?

Abuse and the illegality defence: Supreme Court guidance

JXH v The Vicar, Parochial Church Council and Churchwardens of the Parish Church of Holcombe Rogus

Scotland: Justice Committee publishes Limitation (Childhood Abuse) (Scotland) Bill report

Reunification of children in care to their families – analysis of the ‘Home Again’ report

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