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    Showing 10 of 1582 Results

    Taxi Hire and Loss of Profit

    Taxi Hire and Loss of Profit

    Bill struck out for miscertification

    Bill struck out for miscertification

    The New PPI? Distress and Anxiety Claims arising from Data Breaches

    The New PPI? Distress and Anxiety Claims arising from Data Breaches

    Queen’s Speech Mk.2

    Queen’s Speech Mk.2

    Whiplash reforms: What needs to happen for the reforms to become law?

    Whiplash reforms: What needs to happen for the reforms to become law?

    Interim payment on account of costs following acceptance of a Part 36 offer

    Interim payment on account of costs following acceptance of a Part 36 offer

    Costs Aware Autumn 2019

    Costs Aware Autumn 2019

    Keoghs specialist Costs Team is ranked as one of the top 3 Costs Teams in the UK.

    Keoghs specialist Costs Team is ranked as one of the top 3 Costs Teams in the UK.

    The high threshold of showing injustice when Part 36 penalties bite

    The high threshold of showing injustice when Part 36 penalties bite

    Proportionality - Does the new approach bring back the old test of proportionality?

    Proportionality - Does the new approach bring back the old test of proportionality?

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    Keoghs is the leading provider of claims-related services to insurers, businesses and other suppliers to the insurance sector.


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    Disrupting claims management with innovation & technology


    The service you deliver is integral to the success of your business. With the right technology, we can help you to heighten your customer experience, improve underwriting performance, and streamline processes.