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    Showing 10 of 1582 Results

    Claim put on ice as Keoghs and B&Q successfully defend slip case

    Claim put on ice as Keoghs and B&Q successfully defend slip case

    Whiplash Reform: What does the new timetable look like?

    Whiplash Reform: What does the new timetable look like?

    Disease and abuse aware | February 2020

    Disease and abuse aware | February 2020

    Vibration induced injury claims on the rise again? 

    Vibration induced injury claims on the rise again? 

    The absent expert: Can last-minute unavailability justify the loss of a trial date?  

    The absent expert: Can last-minute unavailability justify the loss of a trial date?  

    Lost in Time: Court of Appeal overturns MacKenzie

    Lost in Time: Court of Appeal overturns MacKenzie

    Hearing loss and quantum: When the Audiogram is Not the Whole Story.

    Hearing loss and quantum: When the Audiogram is Not the Whole Story.

    Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence: Prejudice (Limitation) in Scottish Abuse cases

    Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence: Prejudice (Limitation) in Scottish Abuse cases

    Abuse Aware | February 2020

    Abuse Aware | February 2020

    Keoghs continues campaign on young driver safety with Roads Minister meeting

    Keoghs continues campaign on young driver safety with Roads Minister meeting

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    Disrupting claims management with innovation & technology


    The service you deliver is integral to the success of your business. With the right technology, we can help you to heighten your customer experience, improve underwriting performance, and streamline processes.