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    EXE v The Governors of the Royal Naval School [2020] EWHC 595 QB

    Another restriction on vicarious liability: school not liable for abuse by work experience student

    DCP Pilot Scheme Update

    Damages Claims Portal Pilot Scheme Update 7

    Egg Timer

    Damages Claims Portal (DCP) Pilot Scheme September update


    Abuse in the Military: A Zero Tolerance Approach


    Insurance Act: Fair Presentation of the Risk

    Climate Change - Surge Year for the Insurance Industry

    Whiplash reforms - July 2017

    A prophecy fulfilled? The unintended consequences of the whiplash reforms

    Scotland: Justice Committee publishes Limitation (Childhood Abuse) (Scotland) Bill report

    Mandatory reporting of abuse in England and Wales: an update


    Fighting Fraud Podcast: A shifting landscape

    Country Lane

    Claim fails in multi-vehicle incident

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