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    Social Care

    Stable Homes, Built on Love – The Government responds to reviews calling for reform to children’s social care

    Our People1751378768

    Keoghs Property Risk & Coverage division continues growth trajectory with two new hires from Clyde & Co


    New Pre-Action Protocol in Northern Ireland County Court

    children in care

    The Big Ask: Children in Care

    petrol station

    Interpretation of a Pollution and Contamination Exclusion brings appeal by insured

    Costs Budgeting Works!

    QOCS rules amended to provide a level playing field

    Head Scan

    Post-traumatic headaches

    Costs orders for unreasonable behaviour in small claims

    “Serious omission” leads to reduction in detailed assessment costs

    Lies, damned lies & QOCS - Jackson: cost exemptions

    Keoghs and Hastings win £125,000 judgment and huge exemplary damages award as fraudsters caught in web of lies

    Civil Liability Bill Amendments to the Discount Rate Provisions – what are they seeking to change?

    Victims Bill: Law to recognise children born as a result of rape as victims of crime

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    Keoghs is the leading provider of claims-related services to insurers, businesses and other suppliers to the insurance sector.


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    Disrupting claims management with innovation & technology


    The service you deliver is integral to the success of your business. With the right technology, we can help you to heighten your customer experience, improve underwriting performance, and streamline processes.